Saturday, February 19, 2011

Digital8 Tape Players

Basic Grey challenge and Whiff of Joy DT

Hello everyone and good Saturday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ready for today's card? It 's the card for the challenge Basic Grey!!
Today I propose to you a beautiful sketch drawn by the talented Heather.
Good morning to you all and good Saturday !!!!!
Ready for the card of today? It is the card for Basic Grey challenge!!
Today I offered you a beautiful sketch drawn for you by Our amazing Heather.

I really feel like spring, but it continues to rain ............
What's more, then suitable this delightful Ben in the Rain of Whiff of Joy??
you like these colors? I love them ....... in fact I have yet to find out if there are colors that I do not like ......... but I think there are not LOL
Card for watercolor and Distress Reinkers for coloring!
...... sorry but this frog does not make you mad?

I really want so much the Spring, But It still rains ........... What more appropriate
Than This delicious Ben in the Rain by Whiff of Joy?? Do you like
These colors? I love them ...... Actually I Still Have to discover if there are colors I do not like ........ But I think there are not LOL
Watercolor cardstock and Reinkers Distress for coloration!
....... Is not this so cute frog?

Also for sentiment a Whiff of Joy stamp that accords with the picture LOL
The cards are of course wonderful Basic Grey , This collection is called Oliver and I had not used yet, but I find that the card is perfectly suited men!
Even the buttons are Basic Grey, but such collections do not ask!!
To tie this beautiful pendant made of metal and also the buttons, I used a very rustic twine,
the Vintage Linen Twine of Whiff of Joy.

Also for the sentiment a Whiff of Joy stamps Which matches with the image LOL
The papers are amazing, Obviously, Basic Grey , this collection is Called Oliver and I didn 't use it yet, But I think it is so bad for ADAPT's cards! The buttons are Basic Grey too, but don't ask me for the collections!!!!
To tie this beautiful metal charm and the buttons I used a very rustic twine,
 it's Vintage Linen Twine   from Whiff of Joy.

 Spero che la mia card vi piaccia e vi faccia venire voglia di tirare fuori timbri e colori!!!! 
Ora vi lascio augurandovi un meraviglioso fine settimana ^:^

I hope my card will like you and you would use your stamps and colors!!!!!
Now I leave wishing you a wonderful weekend ^.^

Thanks for stopping by



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