to respond to the questionnaire of 20 questions posed by the
Gughi alias Simon Montanari
Giratomi by Stella .. my dear friend Katie and keyboard ...
ihihihihi ... Melany! Then
1. To use your gift wrapping paper or gift Small bags?
entrambe.ma too say they are not as good as Mel ... I
of large flakes and on ... but I always like to accompany them with a gift tag or card .. it depends on who is the recipient
2. Real tree or artificial?
I love the real ones, last year's events, the Ikea bought
It is a pity, in fact, watching them die slowly and then having to throw away because yes
not have the place where evventualmente, replanted.
So, I've almost always had artificial
Since we're together me and Stephen (24 years) we have a small small
will be .... yes and no, a 40 cm, inherited from her grandmother.
fact often I was "one of my own, my own when I had bought a month ... Mr
.... sob ... and sold the weapons a few years ago .... the disappointment was great!
Now, my right, they have replaced, and this year, I too have bought new ...
artificial, is 180 cm tall and is wonderful!
3. When you mount the tree?
The small, decorative casts and years is because we are afraid to dismantle it breaks. Then the
tirevamo down from its location and put it in a box where you entered
accurate precise and put it away so
years is now in the cabinet room ... (and Katie?) We tried to togierloma us missing ...
the room is empty without him ....
That "great" this year was decorative casts soon, although "rate" by Matthias
However .. coming to the point ... ... hihihihihihihihi
Usually the holiday of December 8 and
when 4.E unmount it?
For the little I have already answered above
However, the first and definitely not of the Epiphany and almost never before
the end of January
5.Il best gift you received as a child?
We believe ... I do not remember ....
6. The person to whom it is more difficult to make a gift?
My Husband ....
7. The easiest person to please?
Mattia course ... even if just now, with what they cost the game ....
8. Greeting card by mail or via electronic mail?
mail ... Well ... those are "heat" different ....
once (even when the PC was almost a stranger ... hihihihihhi)
I have received very many that ne ho fatto una " collana" e le ho appese tutte...
9. Film di Natale preferito?
Sò che mi odierete,ma adoro letteralmente quasi tutti i film del periodo
ma non quelli tipo "Vacanze di Natale"ecc..i cine panettoni,come li chiamano...
Ma i cartoni animati del genere"Disney & C", favole,storie fantastiche...
del e sul Natale,tipo "Miracolo sulla 24°strada" avete presente???
"il canto di Topolino" "Polar Experss" cose del genere insomma....
10. Quando cominciate a fare shopping natalizio?
Ehhhh...una volta adoravo fare shopping Natalizio
pensare una volta di più,alle persone più care
era il periodo più bello,pieno di magia ,calore,euforia
Quanto mi piaceva..........
anche ora a dire la verità....
ma con il fatto che non lavoro e la crisi....e un marito che non ci tiene per niente...
" ho dovuto....rinunciare...."
Solo Mattia,e i miei familiari,intendo mamma papà e fratello... stop ....
11. Avete mai riciclato un regalo di Natale?
Non credo di averlo mai fatto in vita mia...odio i recicli in questo senso...anche se capisco che a volte si potrebbe fare o ci vorrebbe,con certe persone e in certi casi....
12. Il piatto natalizio che preferite?
A pensarci bene...proprio non saprei...
Ormai...poi...si mangia tutto...sempre....
14. Favorite Christmas song?
Almost everything from classical to modern ... among the many "Jingle Bells Rock," "Santa Claus is coming to town" to name some of the most popular, as have also written and Mel Simon and other
yet, like the famous Wham ... Britney Spears Mariah Carey ...
15. A Christmas favorite travel or stay home?
Christmas gets home .. at home!!
If you have, with the fireplace (my hihihihihi there have ...) and many candles (my mother if it makes you miss ... hihihihihih) to act as a side dish!
I did in the heat, even more than once ... and it was great to see Santa Claus in shorts, shop windows, streets, houses and decorative casts all point ... but it's definitely a completely different .... What!
16. In the tree ... angel, snowflake or star?
I have a star and a tip
but I think next year will also star on the big one ... a tip Tia does not like ...
§:--- DDDD
17. Open the presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas morning .... all together ... even if the topology has something even here at home ... under the tree ...
18. The thing that bothers you most about this time of year?
I copy paste the answer to why Mel is almost identical to what I think ...
and that's where I'm taking requests ... hihihihihihihihihih ....
t ante stuff ... best wishes to the falsity of those where you have to do to force the ... gente che cammina per strada senza sapere perchè e per come….i soldi che si buttano via come fosse acqua e soprattutto mi mette a disagio pensare a quelli che a Natale saranno soli, o chiusi in un ospedale a curarsi o senza soldi nè regali…
Questa è mia...e anche la tv...sopratutto il telegiornale....odio i giornalisti...(in generale e sempre) perchè vanno sempre a prendere notizie strappalacrime...catastrofi e C...ma solo perchè sembra che capitino solo a Natale
19. Cosa vorresti quest’anno per Natale?
Tantisimissime cose...sia materiali not ...
but I'll take the one that passes the monastery ... ihihihihih
20. Traditional colors (red and green) or other colors?
My trees are green and covered with multicolored lights white wire
"strictly" golden balls and anything else ... and all the colors though ... looking at now, actually, red prevails. ...
I love the bells in general ... (again, Katia can confirm) and every year I buy one or two, depending on what I find that I like ... .. I remedied this year
one that is half angel and half babbonatalina ... "is a girl "
Thanks to Simon for having created such a nice, useful for us to know each other and maybe rediscover forgotten many things ...
Or should I invite ra 6 friends of Scrapbooking Freedom to publish their answers on their blogs ... but I know that some of the years have done or are not interested then ... I hope that whoever steps here, read my answers, and perhaps is the desire to do the same .. "I like the idea that anyone would answer it does. ... link on my blog or in the list" ... (by Mel).
Thanks ... Kisses to all and Merry Christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!
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