Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Much Do Veneers Cost In Canada

miniature Christmas Decorations

Dear friends, remember that Christmas is over and we must all be good ... so if someone you care about the place rigargli avoid the side of the car with the key, but incidetegli ... MERRY CHRISTMAS ...
has just received a text message from a friend that will carry us for a laugh because laughing is good for both body and spirit ...
but because they are wise ??!!!
Ok ... after all the wisdom we pass to another topic ...
le palle di Natale  versione 2010
di forma allungata definita a "goccia"
colorate con platino e oro,  decorate con rose ricavate
da strisce di stoffa e poi ingessate,  fiocchi e nappine
in tinta. Anche queste decorazioni come le precedenti sono
assolutamente low cost

come vedete non mi sono limitata
a farne due o tre ma  ne ho preparate ben sette tutte uguali
da attaccare all'albero di cui unfortunately I could not make a picture better than this
For friends who asked me the tutorial of plaster roses, both here and privately, soon you will find on these screens:) It
I wish you continued good day!


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