Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Phased Array Satellite Dishes


A towel cloth cut into strips, each strip I make a rose and a few leaves and then ...
both plaster and fabric roses and leaves are transformed into small sculptures .... and now where I put them?
but yes on the wooden frame that is in the think tank from time immemorial!

Mount roses and leaves decide to make the frame
with a fine crackle varnish and gum arabic, it was better safe than sorry ...
but just need a little 'patience in più.

Riempio le crepe e sporco la "miniscultura" con della cera color noce,
un cordoncino nel perimetro interno e la cornice è pronta

Le idee nascono all'improvviso e bisogna coglierle al volo o almeno appuntarsele altrimenti svaniscono
a me succede così , per questo il mio  laboratorio è  tappezzato di fogli e foglietti
con schizzi e idee da mettere in pratica  

I wish you a beautiful day
and as always thank you for the affection that I dismostrate:))


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