Monday, November 1, 2010

Shiny Pokemon Figurines

crutches e. .. who wins the game ?

Here I am with the new post and then as I had said, the play of the previous post ends here!
curious to know who is the winner? Meanwhile, thank you all for the wonderful and loving comments
first and then tell you who won you feed yourselves a bit 'of photos of the work I did for the
world's most beautiful baby
The blue and white wooden hangers
with the little heart painted
and the little heart of fabric applied
His small little man sorted clothes for good
on these fine hangers!

OK I'll stop to hold the string:)) and give the solution of the game and therefore the winner even
The fabric I used for roses placeholder is not the woolen cloth not Vileda il polistirolo trasparente cosa è? 
Ho fatto le rose con il tessuto sintetico che si usa come FILTRO DELLA CAPPA 
quindi assegno il premio alle due amiche che hanno dato la risposta giusta 
visto che siete state solo in due ad indovinare, riceverete un piccolo pensiero entrambe che ho finito  di preparare poco fa. Galadriel aspetto il tuo indirizzo :))
Roberta il tuo ce l'ho 
Grazie ancora a tutte e felice notte


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