Thursday, May 21, 2009

Canon Sd780 Timelapse

lentamente muore

Un Blog è fatto di dialoghi. Questo Blog ama la poesia e, ancor di più, ciò che significa.

Non è questione di "tag"; è questione di cuore e di smuovere sensazioni logiche, che si ritengono belle.

Here it's all here.

He or she who becomes a slave of habit, repeating every day the same itineraries, who does not change
the march
who does not risk and change the color of the clothes, does not talk to those who do not know .

He or she who shuns passion, who prefers black on white, dotting the "i" rather than a set of emotions, the kind that make your eyes sparkle, those
make a yawn a smile, those that make the heart beat in front of mistakes and feelings.

He or she who does not overthrow the table, and those 'unhappy at work, who does not risk certainty for uncertainty to follow a dream, who would not allow, at least once in their lives to run away from sensible advice.

He or she who does not travel,
who does not read, does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself.

Dies slowly he who destroys self-esteem, who does not accept
helped, who spends his days complaining of his bad luck or the incessant rain

Dies slowly he who abandons a project before starting it, who does not ask questions on subjects he does not know, who does not answer when asked about something he knows.

We avoid death in small doses, reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort far greater than the simple act of breathing.

Only a burning patience will lead to the achievement of a
splendid happiness'. "

Pablo Neruda

Thanks to Alessia for Ave Maria King commented with this poem another post (sealed).

is right and it's even more just to give it away for its clearness Blog and its meaning.



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