I have vivid memories of my grandmother that I feel her forehead and then, anxious, download the thermometer with the decision to measure the temperature, as well as surprise, the first broken thermometer, to see roll the silver ball of mercury. Grandmother told me not to touch it, because poisonous, and I pushed with a stick that the Kremlin. Authentic and spectacular special effects to the astonished eyes of a child.
contrast between the idea of \u200b\u200bthe consistency of a metal - reinforced by the color - and the incredible mobility of the mercury drop.
The gestures in the temperature measurement is assured. Tilts the thermometer to read the collection, will discharge energy up to temperatures of rigor mortis, is seeking his arm, the cold metal in contact with warm skin, arm firmly, waiting, and finally the response.
same movements for decades.
object over time became smaller, thinner glass, the time of measurement was reduced to two minutes.
The news is that, given that mercury is a pollutant, you can not buy this type of thermometer and we will turn to other types are not harmful to the environment and equally effective.
A little 'I'm sorry.
23/02/2009 20:25 ANSA.it - \u200b\u200bFarewell to the old mercury thermometer. This concludes a process begun 12 years ago. From 3 April, in fact, the glass tube containing this heavy metal will be banned, with the 'entry into force of the Ministerial Decree of 30 July transposing an EU Directive in this respect.
It is a rule that had a very long journey, which began in 1997 with the UN-ECE Convention, and ten years later culminated in the approval by the European Parliament to ban mercury in thermometers, barometers and instruments measurement to the public.
European legislation in previous years had already reduced the uses and releases of mercury, but its effects mainly on 'marine environment have prompted a further tightening.
The presence of this contaminant, in fact, been ascertained through surveys conducted on the population and the fish species in many Mediterranean coastal areas, requiring more drastic measures especially for Europe, that mercury is the world's largest provider. The ban comes into force in April in Italy are concerned, however, only the thermometers to be made from that date and in order to avoid the old mercury thermometers and above which they contain, the waste will end up damaging the environment and long-term human health.
are also expressly excluded from available to all items containing mercury dating back more than 50 years ago. The rule also does not apply to mercury barometers until October 3, 2009. By then, the European Commission will examine the availability of reliable safer alternatives for sphygmomanometers and other measuring devices containing mercury used in the health sector and other industrial and professional uses.
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