Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Futuristic Dune Buggies
cambio indirizzo.
ci trovate, a partire da oggi, i post che stanno qui più i nuovi.
Monday, June 22, 2009
I Masterbate Publicly

Un mesetto fa sono stato in Umbria, per lavoro.
Un pomeriggio ero a Gubbio, con funzionari Europei e Regionali. Gli Eugubini, per chi non lo sapesse, sono considerati gente un po’ matta (con riferimento alla loro geniale imprevedibilità) e, in pieno centro storico esiste la “fontana dei matti” (in Largo Bargello). Soltanto girando tre volte attorno a questa then splash fountain and making a Gubbio you purchase an honorary citizen of Gubbio, the license for that crazy.
... I was dressed elegantly: I think that's why I was a little wet.
I have the license: then do not say that I did not warn you.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Left Handed Epiphone Casino Vs
Here. A new name, new graphics and the feeling of being full of desire to continue to tell. Added
arrive, as new chapters and new windows, with the calm due. This is a place of small thoughts and ideas from things around, a personal point of view that seeks bank and sharing in the reader.
The book written by four hands and two heads remain in the hearts and Piesse and Emmevù friendship between Paul and Mark, is in the pages of this blog until today, some of my feelings even from here forward.
endorse everything in the post from Paul. As
then said "A sense of things" is no longer a title of this blog, which he unties. None
epochal upheaval Since its inception, each of us has signed, in full autonomy, as posted and Piesse, shared by choice, will have license to write here in freedom and whenever it wants.
do not mean anything but take responsibility of this journey that continues.
Friday, June 19, 2009
How To Make A Mold For Soft Plastic Baits
Q Blog HIS changed its name and appearance, from next Monday.
Life changes every day. Most of the time without us noticing. Radical changes, upheaval true principle, because they naturally camouflaged vest at a rate of millimeter days only apparently colorless. Usually, it takes note of a sudden, with an awareness and instant later, when nothing more can be done to save that which we kept.
One of the assumptions of the novel we wrote together was precisely to take advantage of these developments, our, own, and existence in general, marking time, freeze the dynamics in time to understand, and incite everyone to do so. Living lucid, knowing then "only when drunk ... we really want." Rather than live drunk and waking with a start in a basket of regrets.
In Blog, nominated by the novel, we have so far poured a legitimate desire for emphasis. A congeries of principles, which we felt together, and shared by those who knew he was kind enough to read, follow and comment.
Now, before the suit is rumpled, change of air. Based on those same principles, we go forward, so that the novel "A sense of things", who lives a life of its own, remains the starting point and end point does not become misleading.
The assistance we gave to these pages was different. For quantity, not quality. If at first it was special, recently marked a diversity of aspirations. Since ours is a true friendship, we have spoken. We have identified the signs of a change, the scenarios of a journey that, although inextricably accompanied by an estimate and includes deep, that he sees ahead for the time being, different paths.
This was and is, the way we want to give our things.
nice time.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Ls 400 Install Shocks
I look at the countryside from a train window and I am forced to admit an almost total ignorance on the crops that follow in an epiphany of fields, greenhouses, orchards.
I regret and am ashamed a bit '.
Sometimes we are surprised and smile at the ignorance of others but now I am hopelessly in the city that it does not know and had no idea how to fill that scary gap from the time and the rhythms of the earth.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Dune Buggies For Sale In Ontario
Lunch, solitary, in a hotel during a business trip and I take great comfort from good food before a meeting which I hope in my heart, the less difficult to predict.
The waiter, already seen in previous trips, he takes me to the table that is close - too close - A couple.
you are a man and a fine dining and have common interests to work but lack of other nearby.
For me, grilled trout and herbs, baked potatoes, baked tomatoes: do not know why the pair are behind me.
Both interrelated phrases that I can not hear, and not ignoring the issues discussed, the banality impressive (especially him) almost pushed me into intervention. I do not, of course, but the white drink turns to pleasure what is medicine.
an otherwise it should be only partially amazing sweet berry.
Each room where it happens and pays the consequences.
Coffee room to rinse off your face and impupazzarmi for the meeting.
I wonder: the use of an iPod (or Walkman) to the restaurant is considered a breach of good rules?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Church Suits For Petite
Pull the neck of a bottle of red DOCG 14 degrees eating aged cheese (the cheese, I promise, I'll come back in another post) in the company of a friend you are the small hours.
The cool of the garden. Discuss
animated, ever animation, politics, life (in) Civil writing blog.
Go down the meaning of things, maybe find a different meaning.
Here: This is a way to drink.
ps: the idiot this morning intercom, mistakenly, at seven and a quarter damn much, much less sense