C’è una canzone meno nota, tra quelle di Paolo Conte, che amo moltissimo perché racconta di un incontro poco probabile tra un lui e una lei diversissimi e lo fa con uno swing, un ritmo, una melodia che mettono di buon umore come poche altre canzoni.
Offre l’idea della leggerezza del fato, dell’assenza di pensieri, dell’incanto di un incontro che non ti aspetti tanto che, in meno di tre minuti l’atteggiamento di chi la ascolta può change for the better, the stuff of music therapy by junk dealers; obvious that I hear it often.
If a piece is well written, well-orchestrated, fun and improve your mood is music with meaning.
"Outerspace" is the CD Paolo Conte - 1995
happened by chance in a
Modern street in the rain
Umbrellas making zum-zum - zum
And the 'universe does bum - bum - bum
him: a French song
you: a red Irish laughter
rained rained languid languid days
days ... Yes, but where was I went All
And I would look even better than I would have written so
He was carried by a loden
Sweetness no regrets
From classical studies ardent
Pipe vise between his teeth
... She was a horse, a cat, a tidal wave in the northern sun,
Dressed as one wants, Dressed
as one wants ...
Two beautiful legs, she and a bit 'of blue smoke, he
... With the permission of the gods ...
some good sleep ...
The gods of good years,
of Gods' love red,
fire in skirts, Outerspace ...
The old French song
against a red Irish laughter
Umbrellas making zum-zum - zum
And the 'universe does bum - bum - bum